+971(0)4 – 262 2554


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Why do I require a relocation company?

By utilising the services of a professional relocation company, expatriates have less than ever to concern themselves dealing with the hassles of the move.

With trained in-house relocation consultants present in Dubai, we offers a fully-customised relocation package: starting from preview trips to get an orientation of the city, home finding to help with finding you the most suitable home and assisting with all the administrative work of contract review, ensuring the right points are addressed in regards to maintenance, and ensuring all work is done for smooth move in process. If you have kids going to school, this is usually a primary concern to deal with and having a relocation specialist will take off your burden in selecting the most suitable school for your children.

  • We help you attract the people You want
  • We help you relocate the people You want
  • We help you retain the people You recruit


We tackle the personal and emotional issues that may prevent your chosen candidate or that key existing employee who you need to relocate, from saying ‘Yes’.
This may be their perception of the choosing a right area, a reluctant spouse, worries about getting a place in the right school, finding the right location or new home, the upheaval of a move or a spouse finding a new job.Personal and confidential intermediary support from us means your key individual not only finds the
support and answers they are looking for, but is able to discuss any private or financial concerns without fear of it affecting their professionalism or position with their employer.

Supporting your company

In today’s competitive world, you need to stand out from other companies. By offering tailored, perceptive and personal relocation support, you reflect your company’s culture and values.Demonstrate from day one that you are an employer who looks after their people and cares about them. A good employer will recognise that as well as a new workplace, relocating means a new life and a new home for that employee and their family. They will understand that every individual family
has unique needs.

Don’t lose them!

The cost of losing an employee can be extremely expensive. If your key individual or their family is not settled or is finding it difficult to relocate, then you could risk losing them. Recruiting the right person for a key position can take up a lot of your time and money.

Make sure the relocation budget works for you

Many employers give a lump sum of money for relocation directly to the employee. However, from experience we know that sometimes the employee chooses to spend it on something other than the essential services for which it was intended. As relocation experts, any relocation budget spent on our services means efficient and highly effective information and action. Your employees and you can be sure that you will get value for money along with the appropriate services and support to
make the move happen efficiently

Contact our Mobility team today!

+971(0)4 – 262 2554


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For any urgent orientation / home search / school search and immigration services please reach out to:

+971 52 810 2947 +971 52 810 2948