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Set Your AC at Right Temperature and Reduce Your Utility Bill


With the onset of the summer season the consumption of AC by the residents of Dubai have gone up. This has lead to the subsequent hike in the utility bills. This is a cause of concern and to tackle this issue Dubai’s Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) has introduced a campaign.


The campaign which is named as ‘Set and Save 24°C’ put forward the suggestion of keeping the AC on at 24°C always. This is not only an energy efficient and cost effective method but also is a step towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices. With extreme heat during the summer season a general tendency seen among the people is keeping the AC at a very low temperature for a quick cooling effect. However most often people do not realize that this is increasing their electricity bill. By keeping the AC at 24°C you will not only get sufficient cooling effect but also it lowers your utility bill substantially. Carbon emissions are also controlled and global warming is thereby reduced though this method. Further you are also playing an important part in contributing to a greener and safer planet.


Empower CEO Ahmad Bin Shafar have brought into notice that through energy consumption rationalizing, the service providers as well as the beneficiaries are contributing to sustainable methods which in turn will help the generations of future and the community as a whole. He also said that adopting this method will help in the protection of environment and natural resources.

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