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Guide To Access Medical Services After Your Dubai Relocation

Access to healthcare is one of the major features to consider when you are relocating. If you are moving to Dubai on the basis of the company you work for, then they will manage the healthcare requirements mandated by the government.  If you are planning to shift to Dubai on your own, then assimilate this blog on how to get the best out of the medical facilities provided there. Public healthcare is accessible to everyone, but it is not free for expats. Dubai offers one of the best and most highest standards of healthcare in the world. When you get in touch with the International movers UK to Dubai, they would help you get health insurance based on how long you are planning to stay.


It is run by the DHA or Dubai Health Authority and is far above the Department of Health and Medical Services. It oversees both private and public healthcare. In Dubai you can enjoy both inpatient and outpatient services in public healthcare. Healthcare is not covered by travel insurance, and some people make the mistake of thinking travel insurance and iPMI are one and the same.


Understanding the difference between travel insurance and iPMI


If you are  relocating to Dubai from the UK, you need to understand what travel insurance is and its difference from iPMI. iPMI is short for International Private Medical Insurance. And the main difference that it has from travel insurance is that the latter is meant for people who travel abroad for a short period of time. It covers things like lost luggage, emergency, short-term medical treatment, flight cancellations and so on. On the other hand, iPMI is more comprehensive and covers the entire aspects that come under medical care, including medical emergency cover, doctor visits, ongoing treatments, chronic conditions, maternity care and so on. That is why it is intended for people who live most of their time abroad and need medical services from time to time. Often, people find that their travel insurance is insufficient when they need medical help. However, if you are looking to get a residence visa in the UAE, then you need to get iPMI.


Getting medical cards


You need to carry a UAE health card to access the healthcare services and facilities provided by the government. You can apply for the card, issued by the DHA either online or by visiting the government. You can apply for the health card even if there is health insurance because it covers treatments that are not there in the latter. There is a charge for the medical card, of course. The  International movers UK to Dubai can help you get the card.


Getting primary care while visiting Dubai


If you have been on a visit to Dubai, and your child got sick, then you need to visit a private, public hospital or medical clinic. There are outpatient consultations for adults and children, including some basic services like vaccinations, gynecology etc. You can even see a doctor without an appointment in certain cases.


Dubai’s healthcare system is pretty structured and it works hard to keep up with the growing population. The practitioners speak in both Arabic and English, and the clinics, both private and public, are very good and well-maintained. Both the private sector and the public sector are supervised by the DHA, and the healthcare system is regulated at emirati and federal levels. Get in touch with International movers UK to Dubai to get your health card.



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