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Who To Inform Your Address Change When Moving In Singapore: A Complete Guide

You are required to record a change of address in accordance with the National Registration Act within twenty-eight days after moving into your new home. Relocation companies in Singapore are here to make sure that your new letters, bills, and subscriptions are sent to your new address rather than your old one by changing your address as soon as you can after moving. This will prevent important mail from being sent to your old residence with the help of relocation companies in Singapore.

Change addresses in the following:

In order to successfully update your NRIC, you will first need to compile evidence that verifies your new place of residence with the best international relocation companies in Singapore. It is acceptable to utilise any of the following papers as long as their dates are no more recent than three months ago:

  • Invoice, statement, or correspondence from the HDB
  • The bill for cable TV
  • Statement from the credit card company or the bank.
  • Insurance receipt, declaration, or correspondence
  • The cost for services and conservation from the municipal council
  • Payment for internet or telecommunications services
  • Residential lease contract and agreement.
  • Utility bill from one of the participating retailers that can be found here
  • A letter or bill from the LTA (for things like road tax, for example).
  • Invoice, statement, or correspondence from IRAS* (relating to, for example, income tax or property tax).
  • A declaration or letter from the CPF

Then, bring your documentary proof as well as your NRIC to the local neighbourhood police centre or post, or to the Citizen Services Centre.

The best international relocation companies in Singapore gives the procedure to change one’s address does not incur any fees, and if one is able to produce supporting documentation, the application will be approved immediately.

While your new address will be updated automatically with the public agencies that are participating in this programme, you will be responsible for informing any private institutions or public agencies that are not participating in this programme yourself. Banks, insurance firms, telecommunications companies, memberships, and subscriptions are examples of institutions that you might need to update.


Beginning on October 1, 2020, any time there is a change to the residence address, it must be notified through the e-Service using the methods that are outlined below.

  • You can choose the language you want to use when you sign in to the e-Service with your Singpass. If other people (for example, your family members) will be living at your new address at the same time as you, you can include their applications with your own. Before sending in your application, double-check all of the information that you have supplied to ensure that it is accurate.
  • You should expect letters from the ICA, which will contain a six-digit PIN, to be delivered to your new residence address. You could expect to receive mail from ICA within a week if you have a local address. The postal service of the destination country determines how long it takes for packages to be delivered to addresses in other countries.
  • Proceed with the application that you started at the e-Service. Click the ‘Verify PIN’ button and enter the 6-digit PIN code on the page that displays the status of your application.
  • As soon as the PIN is validated, the ICA’s records will be promptly changed to reflect your newly acquired address. Within one business day of your new address being reported to the One-Stop Change of Address Reporting Service (OSCARS), participating government entities and statutory boards will have received notification of your new location.
  • Sticker(s) with your updated address will be mailed to you at the given address. To properly apply the sticker on your identification card, refer to the instructions that were sent to you in the mail.
  • In the event that you experience any issues when using the e-Service, you are encouraged to send an email to along with a screenshot of the error message.

Relocation services Singapore suggests one of the most important pieces of advice that we can give you is to maintain a spreadsheet that includes all of the groups and government agencies that need to be updated and acknowledged about the change in your residential address. This will allow you to follow their responses more efficiently with relocation services Singapore.


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