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How to Handle Homesickness after Moving to the UK

The UK is a prominent location in the Western World which is quite attractive to expats around the world. Its high quality of living, modern infrastructures, slow-paced countryside, and picturesque landscape are hailed to be the top reasons for this. Regardless of these attractions, homesickness is at an alarming rate among the expat population.

Homesickness is the feeling of missing home, loneliness, and depression once someone has been detached from their homeland. It is an event that occurs regardless of the distance of separation. Moving Companies UK suggests that it can cause significant derailment for the mental health of individuals. To cite a specific study in the UK the one conducted by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) seems to be relevant. It shows that around 70 percent of international students experience homesickness in their first year in the UK.

The following tips to handle homesickness after moving to the UK are significant in this context.

Stay Connected with Loved Ones

Connecting with friends and family at home is a solution to deal with it. Share updates with them about your new experiences. Scheduling weekly video calls and chats through social media platforms are convenient means of communication. International relocation companies UK often suggest this approach to their clientele. Because it helps to stay connected and offers emotional support through the early days in the UK.

Keep a Journal

A 2021 study by the British Psychological Society highlights the importance of early interventions in reducing homesickness by about 40 %. Journaling is one way that facilitates early intervention. As you keep on writing about your feelings and emotions it makes it easier to locate issues that need timely medical interventions.

On the other side journaling is itself therapeutic. It is indeed a personal space to vent out your emotions. The best international moving companies UK also suggest that it helps to build your confidence. Because it lets you track your progress while dealing with settling down in the UK. Thus confidence is boosted which in turn improves your mental well-being.

Stay Physically Active

Physical activity is a proven method to tackle anxiety and depression. As homesickness often ends up with such conditions these activities can reverse it. Moreover, physical activity like gym workouts, cycling, or just a simple walk through the countryside is an opportunity to socialize. You will find like-minded people with similar interests and get to actively blend with people of the UK. Since the UK offers enough spaces for physical activity like scenic countryside and urban fitness classes this is an effective strategy according to moving companies UK.

Celebrate Cultural Differences

According to a 2020 research published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, the degree of differences between a person’s home culture and that of the host country is a contributing factor to homesickness. To reverse this condition it is recommended to immerse into the host country’s culture. Explore new foods, participate in festivities, and learn more about the local culture. This will be a satisfying experience that fills expats with a privileged feeling that they got to know a new culture.

These are the pillars that you can rely on as an expat once you have moved to the UK. In essence, try to engage more with the community of the UK and keep constant connections with the people at home. However, it is not recommended to use social media excessively. Once you feel isolated from the happenings at home it could be difficult to get back. Also, show the willingness to ask for professional help when it seems necessary.

Helpxpat being the leading moving company in UK is very well aware of such incidents among our clientele. We always extend our support and settlement assistance to struggling clients. This is one of the privileges of having the assistance of the best international moving company in UK.



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