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Healthcare in Spain: What Expats Need to Know

Spain, a country known for its picturesque landscape and serene beach sides, is a sought-after destination for expats to settle down. The Mediterranean climate with its warm and sunny climate most of the year also makes it an alluring location for those who want to have a comforting retirement life. The bright side is that such an ambiance also facilitates to cure of stress and offers mental wellness to expats. Moreover, the warm weather is also found to have its share of health benefits.

Beyond such contributions by nature, Spain is renowned for having a healthcare system that has a quality recognized by global health organizations like the WHO. The universal healthcare system of the country called Sistema Nacional de Salua (SNS) is the foremost service in this direction. Having such a service akin to the NHS of the UK relocation services in Spain finds a certain air of confidence in their clientele to relocate to Spain. The following sessions are intended to explore this area further.

SNS: An Overview

SNS is a tax-funded healthcare system that offers basic healthcare including doctor consultations and emergency services. This reliable healthcare facility is made accessible once a health card is issued for individuals. The issuance of this health card is subject to the contributions to the social security system in place. In the case of employees legally working in Spain this amount is automatically deducted from their salary. For self-employed persons, they have to make arrangements for such contributions to get a health card.  Another pathway to access this facility is by paying healthcare contributions to Conveneo Especial. This is a public health care scheme. This particular access to public Spanish health care is available if a person has lived in Spain for one year. In the absence of access to this system, most relocation companies Barcelona advise their clientele to opt for private health insurance schemes.

Spanish Health Care: Essential Insights

First Line of Contact

Doctors available at hospitals and clinics spread across the country will be the first line of contact for an expat. Even though these hospitals will have specialized doctors their consultation is only allowed with the reference of these GP doctors.

Prescription Medications

A committed relocation company in Spain will proactively inform expats that there is a minimum charge for prescription medications. This charge is levied as per the income potential of the patient.

Dependent’s Health Care

Given that a person holds an SNS health card his/her dependents can also register for the scheme to access the public health care system.

Dental Care

Relocation services in Spain also inform their clientele regarding the coverage of dental care. Unfortunately, dental care is not covered under the SNS. An expat will either have to go for private health insurance or pay in cash to avail of such services.

Child Care

Fortunately, dental care for children up to the age of 15 is covered under SNS. Moreover, until they reach 14 years they will get vaccinations that are known for their efficacy.

With these insights, you are ready to navigate the healthcare system of Spain. Expert opinions can be taken to further simplify this journey meanwhile avoiding pitfalls. Prominent relocation services in Spain like Helpxpat will be a prudent choice in this direction.


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