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Navigating Cultural Differences: Tips for a Smooth Transition to Life in Kuwait

Kuwait a Middle Eastern Country located in the Arabian Gulf is a place rich in history and cultural heritage. Iconic landmarks and modern infrastructures project this country as a unique blend of tradition and progress. Moreover, the oil wealth of this nation has transformed it into a prosperous nation with modern amenities and a high standard of living. So there is no wonder that it has become a country with a significant expatriate population.

The expat population in Kuwait is estimated at around 70 percent of the total population. Such a figure highlights a hospitable environment offered by the natives for immigrants. However, relocation companies in Kuwait often educate their client to be aware of cultural differences and act accordingly for a smooth transition to life in this Middle Eastern country. Here are some tips that could be helpful in this direction.

Learn Arabic Basics

Even though Arabic is the official language the natives as well as the huge expat population in this country converse in English resulting in better communication. However international movers Kuwait think that learning a few basics of Arabic will help to make a better impression on the natives. For example words like “Marhaba” for hello and “Shukran” for thank you can be used in communicating with the natives. They will appreciate this gesture on a positive note.

Respect Islamic Traditions

It is expected from immigrants to respect the highly valued traditions of Islam in Kuwait. Modest dressings that cover the shoulders and knees are expected from men and women equally. Moreover, reverence for prayer times and the Islamic holy month of Ramadan is a requisite to ensure smooth living in the country.

Value the Importance of Hospitality 

Natives in Kuwait are known for their hospitality. So it is very likely that you will receive an invitation to the homes of Kuwait-ians. Bringing sweets and flowers upon visits is a warm gesture to respond to this hospitality.

Public Etiquette and Gender Dynamics

A warm handshake is the normal way of greeting. In the case of opposite genders, it is better to wait until the other party makes a move. Moreover, hugs and kisses in public spaces are frowned upon.

Business Etiquette

Relocation companies in Kuwait often highlight the importance given to hierarchy and formality in business settings. Moreover, a slow approach towards building relationships and trust is key to success in the business settings in Kuwait. Also, be patient since decisions in these settings take some time.

Embrace Festivals and Traditions

Participating in national festivals like Ramadan and National Day will help to know the culture of Kuwait first-hand. Moreover, such efforts to know Kuwaiti culture are also appreciated by the natives. Relocation companies in Kuwait think that such gestures improve the feeling of belongingness in expats. This will also make natives feel that you are one among them.

These might appear to be a bit overwhelming to handle on your own. This is where relocation companies that offer cultural integration programs come to your aid as saviors. Among the few companies that offer such comprehensive services for a smooth relocation to Kuwait, Helpxpat tops the chart. Reach out to us to get a better picture of our extended services.


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