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Healthcare in Jordan: A Comprehensive Guide for New Residents

On the basis of quality and availability of health care in Jordan we can assume that health care in Jordan is one of the best in middle eastern countries. In case you are moving to Jordan, having a sneak preview about the medical facilities there is one of the ways of preparing for change. For instance, if you have moved due to change of job, to school or for some other reasons; having insights on health care system will count while dealing with common symptoms, diseases or injuries. This is a guide that contains detailed information about the health care system in Jordan both public and private health care system, insurance and the right ways on how to go about it.

Understanding Jordan’s Healthcare System

Like most of the other countries of the world, Jordan’s health care system can be divided into two major sectors, which include the private and the public sectors. The public sector is headed by the Ministry of Health and has the mandate of providing affordable services to the people of Jordan. Nevertheless, the private health care system enjoys more patronage among expatriates moving to Jordan or any other international movers due to the fact that it proffers services faster than the public system with minimal waiting period despite the fact that it is charged relatively.

The public as well as private healthcare sectors also offer good medical services with the qualified personnel and techniques and equipment’s. However, despite this, the private hospitals and clinics are more flexible in issue of appointments, and the services are quicker and hence well embraced by the expatriate community.

Health Insurance Options in Jordan

Unfortunately, arriving new residents lack adequate health insurance in Jordan. The public system is rather cheap for Jordanian people, but, perhaps, it does not meet the expatriates’ demands for both availability and insurance.” Many of the overseas employees who relocate themselves to Jordan choose private health insurance plans that are provided by their companies or which one can buy on their own.

Health insurance is one of the major benefits that most employers in Jordan provide and is compulsory for all expatriates depending with their rank or specialty. If your employer does not provide health insurance then some local and international insurance companies exist in Jordan and they offer different insurance packages for expatriates. Ensure that a particular plan offers accommodated for overnight stays in hospitals, other clinic services, dental procedures as well as emergencies.

The private hospitals are known to accept many international insurance plans, however, it is always good to consult your relocation services Jordan so that you do not encounter any losses when you are in need of medical attention.

Public vs. Private Healthcare: Which is Right for You?

New residents in Jordan will need to decide between using public or private healthcare services based on their individual needs, preferences, and budgets. Both systems have advantages, and understanding these differences will help you make an informed decision

Public Healthcare

The public health facility in Jordan provides almost all kinds of medical assistance at affordable prices especially to Jordanians. Health care services include hospitals and clinics that are located all over Jordan, with concentration in the large cities including Amman and Irbid. albeit public facilities in terms of quality of care; expatriates particularly complain of long waiting time and over crowdedness.

Private Healthcare

The private health care delivery system exists in Jordan as a well-established one with good reputation internationally. Majority of expatriates, including the Jordan’s movers, prefer the private facilities because they are fast, convenient and well equipped. Hospitals that are in private setting are normally able to admit patients faster, comfortable facilities and more specialists to choose from. These aspects make the private healthcare the most preferred one for those people who want to be more individualized in the process of getting the healthcare servicess.

Private healthcare costs more that is why despite the excellent services, comfort and easy access to healthcare services many expatriates opt for it. Some of the finest relocation corporations present in Jordan help the newcomers in identifying the healthcare solutions and in choosing the reliable private medical services.

Accessing Pharmacies and Medications

There is no difficulty in getting access to the basics such as pharmacies in Jordan more especially in urban areas. Majority of drugs can be bought without a prescription here even those that one would need a prescription for in other countries. But for some of the treatments, you want to be eligible for, you’ll need a doctor’s prescription to be able to get the medication.

It is also worth to point out that despite the fact Jordan does have a well-developed pharmaceutical industry, you will not necessarily encounter specific brands familiar to you from home. Luckily, local pharmacists are aware of such things and they are in a position to advise the patient to take other similar drugs. Most pharmacies also have round the clock services and even delivery of drugs to the people’s homes hence enhancing the convenience of the residents.

Emergency Medical Services in Jordan

Jordan has got good emergency medical services and the ambulances that are used in the country are well supplied. Speaking of emergencies, just dialing 911 on your phone, you will be connected to the emergency services that include the ambulance that will take you to the nearest hospital. In most of the facilities; whether they belong to the government health facilities, private health facilities have well-staffed and well-equipped emergency departments.

Expatriates are more likely to rush to private hospitals especially for emergency provision of services since they work faster and they have modern equipment. Every new resident should take their time and learn various nearby hospitals and essential service providers in case of emergencies especially for those with some underlying medical conditions.

Maternity and Childcare Services

Jordan has good health care services especially for mothers and their children. Regardless of whether you opt for the public or private hospitals you are assured of quality obstetricians, gynecologists and pediatricians. Most expatriates prefer to give birth at private hospitals as the services provided by these hospitals are individualised, staff and infrastructure are contemporary and surroundings are also very comfortable.

Some of the private hospitals installed in Jordan have a chance of having specific birth centers as well as NICU to increase the chances of early born children to reduce high vulnerabilities by providing superior care to the young born with complications. Babies and young children are well cared for; many physicians who graduated from medical school in China or are of Chinese heritage have Fluent English or at least have a good command of the English language and its idioms.

Specialized Medical Services

Jordan is well-known for its focused healthcare services in terms of Medical specialties that include cardiovascular, orthopedics, cancer and plastic surgery departments. A lot of individuals from other countries make it their point of visit in Jordan because of the developed health care sector in the country.

In terms of the medical services, it was found that it is relatively easy for the expatriates in Jordan to get access to some specific medical services mostly in the private health facilities. In case you are an international mover and you have certain health requirements, then it is wise to move around the hospitals and Doctors in Jordan in advance.

Mental Health Care in Jordan

Medical assistance and mental health care is present in Jordan but this particular field is not as commonly talked about as one would expect. At the time of writing the country’s mental health system is still in its formative stage however there are private clinics and hospitals that already offer therapy and psychiatry services. Mental health is a rather new area, and the number of people who try to address their issues with a mental health professional is increasing slowly; particularly among the urban population.

Where expatriates seek psychiatric and other mental health treatments; they can do so through the services of private health care facilities; most health insurance policies of expatriates provide for coverage of psychological services. English-speaking counselors are also present in most of the private facilities which makes it easier for the expatriates to get them.

Preventive Health and Vaccinations

Jordan has a well-established immunization program and most residents and citizens of this country receive their immunization shots against diseases including measles, polio and hepatitis. As a new resident, it is wise to go through your immunization history and make sure that if there are any vaccinations you need to have, you should, therefore, should take them. Part of the preventive care is easily accessible; annual health check-ups, screenings can be done at government health facilities as well as private.

Families who are moving to Jordan, most of the moving companies in Jordan can help to arrange for the first appointment with a doctor as well as check the immunization schedules of your family to ensure that they are in harmony with the needs of Jordan.

Healthcare Costs in Jordan

Health care costs vary greatly in Jordan, falling between public and private services. Public health care is very inexpensive and therefore highly subsidized for residents, but for the expatriate, the costs are higher unless you have health insurance.

Private health is costlier but has quicker access to specialists and more sophisticated treatments. Expats are encouraged to invest in private health insurance, which will cover future medical expenses. If relocation to Jordan is with family, a person should consider healthcare expenses in the overall relocation budget.


Jordan also boasts an advanced healthcare system that takes good care of locals and expatriates alike. From public to private health care, medical facilities and professionals are well equipped to handle both routine and specialized care across the country. A new resident will have an easier time with Jordan’s health care if they secure health insurance, know where nearby health facilities are, and understand the cost of various treatments.

It is highly recommended that international movers Jordan plan your healthcare in advance. The best relocation companies in Jordan can help move you along the process and advise how to get health insurance or proper medical professionals. From emergency care to delivery maternity care, specialty treatments, Jordan’s healthcare system has a selection of choices that will take good care of you and your family.

Emigrating to a new country can be utterly overwhelming, but Jordan’s dependable healthcare infrastructure could provide one with a sense of calm, as one would realize that quality medical attention would be available at any instance.


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