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Top 10 Packing Hacks for a Smooth Move

Moving to a new home is always a happy and stressful occasion no matter if it is in India or in another country. Despite the fact that there is so much that has to be done in order to make the move possible, the most daunting of them all is the packing period. But it is possible to avoid all the complexities in question with the help of proper planning as well as several hacks. In this blog, readers can find the list of the ten packing tips that can be useful when it comes to having a perfect move with the best moving companies in India or, vice versa, moving independently.

Create a Moving Checklist

To ensure that moving is as smooth as possible, one therefore needs to have a good list of check points. It assists you to devise a list that enables you to segregate the process into several segments which makes each of them easily doable and thus eradicating strain. Try to start it as some of the sub list as Packaging material list, Timetable list, things that are indispensable, and things that are not so necessary but good to have.

Pro Tip: Packing of non-essential luggage should begin about two weeks before the intended date of moving out. These are commodities such as shorts that you will not require until summer, additional bedding or other items that you would not require immediately you move into your new house.

The same way it helps you not to forget key things that may be moving date with one of the best relocations in India, transport means, or changing of address among others.

Declutter Before You Pack

The most common mistake people make when moving is to take all their belonging and pack them without thinking of what may really be important. When relocating you are likely to reduce the number of possessions you are moving to your new house. Less clutter means there is less to pack and this results to lesser time and money being used in the process.

Pro Tip: Whenever you are sorting your items in order to organize them, then you should be able to distinguish four categories: to keep, to donate, to sell, and to discard. Decluttering also plays the role of cutting down on your moving expenses especially if you are engaging the services of professionals like international relocation services India. Most firms base their charges in terms of weight or volume, hence, the more cargo to be moved the expensive the exercise.

Use the Right Packing Materials

Using boxes is such a basic idea which really helps and will be of life-saving help, whenever packing is unpacked. Label every box with the contents inside and in which room the box belongs so as to help movers in organizing the boxes in the new home.

Pro Tip: The colored markers or stickers may be used for different rooms, for example. For instance, green for kitchen items, blue for bedroom items and red for delicate wares. To the best relocation companies in India, labeling of the items to be transported is important in the loading and offloading processes.

Label Everything Clearly

People often misplace some of the things they consider most indispensable, like toiletry, charger, documents and spare clothes when they are on the move. As a measure of precaution, take your items of basic necessity in a box or suitcase, in a view of using them as you sort your items when you get to the new house.

Pro Tip: Some of the items to pack are; toilet paper, cutleries (plates, spoons, cups) and cleaning materials. Such an essentials box will help you avoid rummaging through the boxes at midnight when you are too exhausted from the moving process.

Pack an Essentials Box

Whenever it comes to packing the clothes wardrobe boxes can come really handy. Rather than removing all the clothes from the hangers, folding them and then taking them again on the wardrobes, wardrobe boxes enable you to move your clothes ‘as they are’. This method used is more helpful especially when drying formal or delicate items in order to ensure they are not spoilt in any way.

Pro Tip: Another method that can be used is ‘Do It Yourself’ wardrobe box where clothes on hangers are packed in large garbage bags leaving the hooks exposed. It also makes it easier to transport and time is saved during the packing as well as during unpacking..

Use Wardrobe Boxes for Easy Clothing Transport

Wardrobe boxes can be a lifesaver when packing clothes. Instead of taking all your clothes off the hangers, folding them, and then unpacking them again, wardrobe boxes allow you to move your clothes as they are. This method is especially helpful for preserving the condition of formal or delicate items.

Pro Tip: For a budget-friendly alternative, you can create your own wardrobe box by using large garbage bags to cover clothes hanging on hangers, leaving the hanger hooks exposed. This makes it easy to transport and saves you time during both packing and unpacking.

Keep Your Valuables and Important Documents Close

Regardless of whether you’re using a DIY approach or working with one of the best relocation companies in India, it’s vital to keep your valuable items and important documents with you during the move. Items like passports, jewelry, legal documents, and financial papers should be packed separately and transported personally.

Pro Tip: Use a small lockable box or a secure folder to organize important documents like contracts, birth certificates, and insurance policies. Keep these items in a backpack or bag you will carry yourself to ensure they are safe throughout the relocation process.

Take Photos of Electronics and Furniture Setups

When someone has complicated electronic devices, or even large furniture, that has been put together and taken apart then it can be very difficult to remember how everything connected. When unplugging electronics or taking apart furniture, it also should be documented in the form of photos of how the wires are connected and how the structure of furniture is made.

Pro Tip: Put screws, nuts bolts and other small parts generated from dismantled furniture into small transparent plastic bags and attach the bags to the respective furniture pieces. In this way, when you collect all the items and put in your new home, you will have everything at hand and arranged.

Maximize Space by Packing Strategically

If you want to get the most out of your moving boxes, then be sure to put heavier items at the bottom of the box while the lighter ones go on top. This means that the boxes will be balanced, thus easy to carry from one place to the other. Furthermore, put in soft items such as towels, socks or a few pieces of small clothe to reduce on shifting of items during transportation.

Pro Tip: Fill the spaces with which to pack, by packing items into other items. For instance, pack small items inside large pots or shoes, pack socks inside shoes. Strategic packing therefore may mean that fewer boxes are used which will translate into less cost to be incurred when moving..

Hire Professional Movers for a Stress-Free Experience

On the other hand, although maximizing space when packing helps in minimizing the time when packing, choosing professional movers would create a significant difference on the moving process. The better moving companies in India offer full packing and moving services such as packing of goods, loading them to the vehicle, transferring of shipment to the new location, and unpacking. They are experienced firms, and maybe possess the personnel, skills, equipment, and techniques of handling delicate or bulky items.

Pro Tip: When choosing a moving company, the company you hire should be in a position to offer you an insurance deal on your personal property. This brings some relief in a sense that in the event that some damage occurs on the products during shipment, then compensation will be done.

If you are relocating inter-state or inter-country, it will be advisable to employ companies that offer intercountry moving services India. They are aware with the legal matters, customs procedures, as well as other features of international relocation making everything easier.


Moving is not a nightmare when you apply these tried-and-tested packing hacks. Keep yourself organized, have appropriate materials to your aid, and strategic packing can substantially simplify the task at hand. Whether you are handling the move yourself or hiring one of the relocation companies in India, these tips are meant to make your transition to your new home seamless.

Also, if you are shifting internationally, then searching out for a company that specializes in international relocation services India will be more helpful. Remember: prepare well and have a smooth move. Declutter, pack accordingly, and do not compromise on the right professionals to get excited over a fresh start rather than worried.


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